Common elbow treatments and symptoms

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The elbow brings together three bones. Known as a hinge joint, the elbow’s ligaments and tendons help connect our upper arm to our forearm. We can bend and straighten our arm up to 180 degrees and lift and move things through our elbow.

We treat several elbow related injuries, often caused by overuse at work or from sports-related accidents. Some of the more commons injuries include:


Results in immediate pain and joint distortion. Often happens when an outstretched hand or land on it during a fall.
- How we treat it


Causes pain that may feel like it’s travelling down the arm towards the wrist. Can be difficult gripping or holding objects.
- How we treat it


Causes pain on the inner side of the elbow and forearm, weakness in the hands and wrists and tingling in the fingers.
- How we treat it

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